4MAT Fundamentals

4MAT Practitioner Self-Study Track

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4MAT Practitioner Self-Study Track

Wanna go light? Take the self-study track at your pace, your way.
Get in touch with us any time if you decide to switch over to the Guided Certification Track mid-way for a special code to deduct what you already paid from the price of the Guided track!

4MAT Practitioner 1:

Learning Styles

Your first step into the 4MAT universe! 
 Teaching Around the 4MAT Cycle - Chapter 1
 4MAT Learning Type Measure (LTM) Assessment
Write your awesome label here.
Session 2

4MAT Practitioner 2:

Cycle of Learning

What happens through the learning cycle?
 Teaching Around the 4MAT Cycle - Chapter 2
Write your awesome label here.
Session 3

4MAT Practitioner 3:

Teaching Around the Cycle

What's the relationship between learning styles and teaching styles?
 Teaching Around the 4MAT Cycle - Chapter 3
 4MAT Teaching Style Inventory (TSI) Assessment
Write your awesome label here.
Session 4

4MAT Practitioner 4:

Brain-Mind Learning System

Are you teaching to the whole brain?
 Teaching Around the 4MAT Cycle - Chapter 4
 4MAT Hemispheric Mode Indicator (HMI) Assessment
Write your awesome label here.
Session 5

4MAT Practitioner 5:

Eight-Step Cycle

How do you design instruction to take learners through the whole cycle?
 Teaching Around the 4MAT Cycle - Chapter 5
 1-year access to 4MATION lesson design software
Write your awesome label here.
Session 6

4MAT Practitioner 6:

Teaching from Concepts

How do you connect learners to the essence of the content?
 Teaching Around the 4MAT Cycle - Chapter 6
Write your awesome label here.
Session 7

4MAT Practitioner 7:

Lesson Planning & Assessing

How do I assess the learning?
 Teaching Around the 4MAT Cycle - Chapter 7
 4MAT Quadrant Handbook
Write your awesome label here.

Group discount?
Want to switch to the Guided track and want to apply for shop credits?
 Or inquire about in-person training?

We're happy to help!

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